Mia Gofar proudly present

Everything you need to know about stringing your own bead jewelry
using jewelry wire, chain, wire and nylon elastic
with more than 15 projects you can make at home
from illusion necklace to chandelier earrings
Providing guide to basic stringing materials, along with technique on securing beading wire with crimps and bead tip, attaching clasp, working with wire and chain and tying a knot on elastic nylon.
This step by step book will give you a skill to create your own pieces and do your own design
Available at book store in Agustus 2005
See inside the book:


Published by PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama
All Right reserved |
Mia, i need to purchase yr books....how do i go about it?
pls email me: juriah_laham@yahoo.com.sg