Fun With Crystal Jewelry Workshop |
Friday, July 10, 2009 |

 Hi Manikers,
Sebelum saya berangkat liburan, saya sempatin dulu untuk milihin beberapa projek dari Swarovski Inspirational Guide, Create Yourstyle with Swarovski (www.create-your-style.com), untuk dijadikan projek workshop yang akan datang.
Tanggal: 8 Agustus 2009 Jam : Sesi 1: Jam 9.30-12.00 Sesi 2: Jam 13.30-16.00 Lokasi: Restaurant Pandan Hijau Jl. Pemuda no.18 Jakarta
Untuk daftar,email ke mia@ miagofar.com, sebutkan nama, kontak nomor dan workshop yg di inginkan. Lakukan pembayaran ke rekening yang akan diberikan setelah pendaftaran. Lakukan konfirmasi pendaftaran melalui email Tunggu konfirmasi dari kami.
Infi lebih lanjut, kontak Nina di 0812 905 666 3.
One day Workshop with Mia Gofar, offering 2-3 hours beading classes with Swarovski Crystal beads and components.
1. Ocean Necklace:
In this workshop you will learn to work with wire, creating components and incorporating them into a chain and adding a ready to use clasp to make a necklace.
Level: Beginner- Intermediate Wire Working Duration: 2,5 hours Investasi: Rp. 270.000,- (Price is for one workshop and one project only, Price including material and lunch) Tools needed: Flat Nose Plier, Wire Cutter, Round Nose Plier (Please bring your own tools, or contact us to purchase).
2. Flower Pendant Necklace This pretty necklace is not only a nice project for a beginner in beading but also an inspiration to experienced beader. It is not a simple stringing, but it is more a creative stringing using cottong thread and Swarovski beads and Pendant.
In this project you will learn to work with cotton thread, stringing and knotting with beads, making a beautiful flower shape pendant using Swarovski pendants and also creating your very own toggle clasp using Swarovski sew on beads.
Level: Beginner- Intermediate Stringing Duration: 2,5 hours Investasi: Rp. 445.000,- (Price is for one workshop and one project only, Price including material and lunch) Tools needed: Chain Nose Plier, Scissor, Glue (Please bring your own tools, or contact us to purchase).
3. Cosmic Triangle Necklace This beautiful and elegant necklace is another great project to chalenge your creativity. In this project you will learn to make a multiple strands necklace using swarovski crystal pearls and doing a creative way of knotting to accent the strands.
Level: Intermediate - advance Stringing Duration: 2,5 hours Investasi: Rp. 425.000,- (Price is for one workshop and one project only, Price including material and lunch) Tools needed: Chain Nose Plier, Wire Cutter, Round Nose Plier (Please bring your own tools, or contact us to purchase).
SPECIAL!! *Participant take more than 1 class will be eligible to get Rp.25.000 discount for both class. **and also Rp.25,000 for early bird, participants registered before July 29. SO, if you registered 2 classes before 29th of July, your will get Rp.50.000 off from your total amount.
For registration: 1. Send email to: mia@ miagofar.com , with your name and class intended. 2. Transfer the fee to our account, will be given after your registration email. 3. send the proof of transfer via email or a message 4. Wait for the confirmation.
Need more information on the event? contact Nina at 0812 905 666 3.
Note: I am sorry that for supply reason I have to eliminate the 4th project showed in this event. I will try to come up with another project.Labels: workshop |
posted by Mia @ 6:29 AM   |
Vacation.... |
Wednesday, July 08, 2009 |
Hi Everyone..! Please note that I will leave on vacation started on Friday 10th oh July till Wednesday 29th of July. At these time I will not be able to answer any inquiries through this website or emails. Just leave me a note if you had to, and I will try to reply as soon as possible.
Cheers, Mia |
posted by Mia @ 10:59 AM   |
Jewelry class blog |
Sunday, July 05, 2009 |
Hai manikers,
Akhirnya sempat juga saya mengupdate http://makeit-loveit-wearit.miagofar.com Blog ini khusus dibuat untuk memuat informasi projek2 yang available dalam bentuk Workshop ataupun tutorial.
Silahkan tengok manikers kalau ada yang kebetulan tertarik untuk belajar, silahkan email, biar kita bisa atur waktu. Harga dalam Singapore Dollar. Ada diskon khusus untuk member Manik2Cantik, 15%, atau group 4 orang 10%.
Kebetulan awal Agustus ini saya akan ke jakarta, jadi untuk Jakarta bisa mulai arrange waktu sekarang.
Kalau ada usulan projek lain yg ingin di pelajari bisa email juga. Sementara baru projek ini yg available, sambil jalan saya akan susulkan prejek2 lain
Salam Manik, MGLabels: Info |
posted by Mia @ 3:57 AM   |