Trend Aksesories untuk 2010 |
Thursday, December 31, 2009 |
Selamat Tahun Baru Manikers...Semoga acara tahun barunya menyenangkan yaaa...
Nah sejalan dengan dimulainya tahun yang baru, yuk kita intip , perkiraan desain dan model aksesories yang diperkirakan akan menjadi "HOT" tahun ini. Simak yaa...
Go GREEN!!! Ternyata bukan cuma pemakaian energi ataupun pembatasan penggunaan kantong plastik yang tidak ramah lingkungan yang ditanamkan dalam rangka memasyakatkan konsep "Green". Tetapi dalam desain aksesories tahun ini juga mengetengahkan konsep "Go Green", baik dari segi desain yang mengacu pada motif2 alami seperti kupu-kupu, capung ataupun motif ular, tetapi juga pemilihan material dan batu2an yang lebih "green" seperti quartz,beryl ataupu alexandrite, yang memiliki warna-warna alami seperti coklat ke arah kuning.
Selain warna2 alami ini, warna2 pastel seperti hijau olive, coklat muda seperti warna kopi susu, pink salmon ataupun biru muda juga akan banyak menghiasi warna2 trend tahun ini.
Dari segi desain, aksesori berkesan ringan dan transparan diperkirakan akan bermunculan dengan penekanan pada detail menarik pada salah satu bagiannya menggantikan desain2 berkesan berat dari tahun sebelumnya.
Selain dari pengolahan bentuk dasar alami seperti burung dan pengimplementasian bentuknya pada desain dalam bentuk 3 dimensi, pengolahan bentukan ini juga dapat dimainkan dari sudut perpaduan warna. Misalnya warna shocking pink, dipadu dengan warna neutral seperti abu2 ataupun coklat muda. Campuran daripada warna2 menyolok yg kemudian kembali dipadu dengan warna monoton juga akan nampak pada musim kali ini.
Selain bentuk binatang2 alamí ataupun bentuk dari alam lainnya, bentuk lain yg juga akan banyak ditemui adalah bentuk tidak beraturan daripada batu2an ataupun metal.
Yang terakhir, gabungan beberapa material akan juga semakin memarakkan. So, manikers, sekarang ini kita keliatannya bakalan bebas berekspresi. Mau campur warna, campur material, campur aneka bentuk ...sah sah aja..asalkan masih mengacu kepada Go GREEN!!!!
Salam Manik! |
posted by Mia @ 2:46 PM   |
Selamat Tahun Baru 2010 |
Dear Manikers,
Atas nama pribadi dan Manik2Cantik, saya mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2010
Semoga tahun yang baru membawa berkah baru, inspirasi baru, semangat baru dan tentunya kesuksesan yang bertambah...
Semoga Manikers tetap rajin bermanik2 yaaa... Jangan lupa, nantikan buku saya berikut ..:-) (*ada iklannya..:-) )
Salam, Mia Gofar |
posted by Mia @ 2:23 PM   |
Workshop Intern Manik2Cantik |
Saturday, December 26, 2009 |
Dear Manikers,
Acara Workshop Intern semakin dekat nich, Insya Allah akan diadakan hari Minggu tanggal 3 Januari 2010... Benar2 acara awal di tahun baru ya Manikers..mudah2an udah pada segar dari acara tahun barunya yaa..
So, Lokasi: Jl. Kemang Timur VII No.7, Kompl. Sandang , Jkt 12730 Jam : Sesi Pagi: 10.00-13.00 Sesi Sore: 14.00-17.00
 3D Weaving Ring Material: Czech Glass Beads Swarovski Beads
Tecknik: Weaving Investasi: Rp.185.000,-
 Fun With Macrame 2 Another Great Macrame Projects Material: Cotton Cord Cube Glass crystal
Investasi: Rp.150.000,-
 Intermediate Weaving Material: Japan Beads Czech Drop beads
Investasi: Rp.215.000,-
Untuk pendaftaran: sms ke Enno di 081 310 300 364Labels: workshop |
posted by Mia @ 4:33 PM   |
Pearl Stringing Workshop |
Thursday, December 17, 2009 |
 Buat Manikers yang tertarik dengan teknik merangkai manik mutiara dengan tali sutra, ikutan yuk....Kali aku kerja bareng dengan Jakflo Creativ Centre.
Salam Manik! .........................................
Jakflo Creative Centre presents pearl stringing workshop “Working with Pearls” instructed by Mia Yusmita Gofar. Date : December 21, 2009 Time : 10am – 1pm Place : Jakflo Creative Centre Plaza Kemang 88 Lt. 2 Jl. Kemang Raya 86-88, Jakarta Selatan Telp. (021) 7191712 / 70003634 Price : Rp. 350.000,-/person (min 4 pax) Price is including material, snack and certificate
Mia Yusmita Gofar profile’s : She is now known as the author of jewelry how to books in Indonesia. Her first book was released in 2005 and was quite a success. She continues writing books until today. Graduated from Dept. Of Architecture University of Indonesia in 1997, she worked for a couple years as a Web Designer before she moved to Germany, where she started her beading career in 2002. Once open a jewelry studio under the name of “Indieperle” in Jakarta and now releasing her own jewelry line “Mia Gofar Jewellery”.
She got her Instructor Certificate from Jewelry Design and Management International School, Singapore and also some certificates on other jewelry beading techniques.
Some of her designed were featured in Beadstyle Magazine and Bead and Buttons, USA, and also in Beads Magazine, UK. You can also find her design featured in the book “1.000 Jewelry Inspirations: Beads, Baubles, Dangles and Chains (1000 Series)”, by Sandra Salamony, published by Rockport Publisher, not to mentioned on some of Jewelry booklets published by Kalmbach Publishing, USA.Labels: workshop |
posted by Mia @ 2:08 PM   |
Workshop Intern Manik2Cantik |
Saturday, December 12, 2009 |
Mumpung saya di jakarta nich, saya mau nyempetin untuk ketemu member2 M2C sambil mempertajam dan melatih ketrampilan jari2 kita bermanik dengan manik2.
Nah, Insya Allah , setelah absen sekian lama, Milist M2C akan ngadain Workshop Intern Manik2Cantik, Insya Allah tgl 27 Des atau 3 Januari. Lokasi di Huse of Rudy, Tebet. Materi Workshop insya Allah akan saya update besok yaa... Meliput kelas basic dan intermediate.
Nah, sekalipun namanya Workshop Intern, non member M2C boleh kok ikutin..
Wait for the update yaa..
Salam Manik! :-) |
posted by Mia @ 5:02 PM   |
Creative Jewellery Making |
Sunday, December 06, 2009 |
Creative Jewellery Making After you mastery all the basic techniques to make a nice piece of jewellery, now it is your time to explore more creativity in designing your pieces using two or more beading techniques or even expand to other fun and challenging techniques in creating pieces of jewellery.
Autumn Necklace
In this project you will work with 3 basic techniques, beading with bead wire, chain and wire working. Tools needed: Chain Nose Pliers, Flat nose Plier, Round Nose Pliers and Wire Cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools.
Price is including materials. Duration: 2 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp. 270.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.230.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.180.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group : Rp.155.000,-/person (min 4pax)
Macramé Charm Bracelet
This nice piece was once featured in Bead style, USA. This project might remind you of your scout time, when you first learn the macramé techniques. You will use the same technique but using different materials. But the most important thing is you accessorize your macramé with beads and changing the arty-crafty stuff into a piece of jewellery. Tools needed: Chain Nose Pliers. Please contact the provider to purchase tools.
Price is including materials. Duration: 2.5 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.240.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.200.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.169.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.135.000,-/person (min 4pax)
Basic beaded Wire Crochet Bracelet
 For those who are familiar with crocheting with hook, this will be a nice experience since you will work with thin wire, not a yarn, and inserting beads into your strands. For those who are not, this project will be a fun project to make. Tools needed: Crochet hook, Chain Nose Pliers and wire cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools. Price is including materials.
Duration: 2.5 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.500.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.400.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.300.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.250.000,-/person (min 4pax) Twinkling, Light and Airy Necklace

You will work with bead wire and crimp beads and applying your knowledge in basic beading technique to create such glamorous piece. Tools needed: Chain Nose Plier , round nose plier and wire cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools. Price is including materials.
Duration: 3 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.400.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.300.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.240.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.200.000,-/person (min 4pax)
Crystal Bouquet Pin
This nice piece was once featured in Bead style, USA. You will work with wire and crystal only to create a very nice Crystal Bouquet Pin. Tools needed: Chain Nose plier, round nose plier, flat nose plier and wire cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools.
Price is including materials. Duration: 3 Hours Workshop Fee including material : Rp.400.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.350.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.200.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.175.000,-/person (min 4pax)
Creative Jewellery Making: Easy Wire Rings
This nice piece was once featured in Bead style, USA. You will work with wire and crystal to create very nice and easy rings. Tools needed: Chain Nose plier, round nose plier, flat nose plier, wire cutter and ring mandrell. Please contact the provider to purchase tools. Price is including materials to make 3 rings. Duration: 3 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.550.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.500.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.400.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.350.000,-/person (min 4pax) |
posted by Mia @ 5:22 PM   |
Basic Wire Working |
In this workshop you will be introduced to other technique to create your own piece of jewellery, using metal wire. Wire is another stringing material that commonly used to make jewelleries. You can make different kind of jewellery using wire, from simple strand of beaded chain into an artistic sculptured pendant, and it can be done with many different techniques.
Basic Wire Work 1: Simple Loop Beaded Chain
This project covers the basic knowledge of working with wire, creating a nice loop. A nice loop is very important in a beaded chain, not only for aesthetic reason but also for durability. Tools needed for this project is Chain Nose Pliers or Flat Nose Plier, Round Nose Plier and Wire Cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools. Price is including materials.
Duration: 2 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.210.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.180.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.140.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.120.000,-/person (min 4pax)
Basic Wire Work 2: Charm Necklace
In this workshop you will learn to make a charm necklace using chain and head pin. It is simple, fun and the most important is you will create a pretty necklace that you can wear with your jeans and t-shirt, but also goes with your working wardrobe. This project covers the basic knowledge of working with wire, making a pendant and inserts it into the chain. Tools needed for this project : Chain Nose Pliers or Flat Nose Plier, Round Nose Plier and Wire Cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools.
Price is including materials. Duration: 2 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.180.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.150.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.120.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.100.000,-/person (min 4pax)
Basic Wire Work 3: Chain and Beaded Chain
In this workshop you will be introduced to other technique to create your own piece of jewellery, chain and wire. Using chain in your design will not only save your time, but also look nice and it is fun to do. This project covers the knowledge of working with chain and basic wire working. After this class you will be able to make your own piece of chain jewellery. Tools needed for this project is Chain Nose Pliers or Flat Nose Plier, Round Nose Plier and Wire Cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools.
Price is including materials. Duration: 1.5 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.200.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.175.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.115.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.90.000,-person (min 4pax)
Basic Wire Working 4: Wrap Loop Necklace
In this workshop you will be introduced to other technique to create your own piece of jewellery, beaded chain. Beaded chain is another way to have beads as your adornment. You will learn to make beaded components, corporate them into a strand and connect them into a piece of jewellery. This project covers the knowledge of working with wire and basic wire working. After this class you will be able to make your own piece of chain jewellery. Tools needed for this project is Chain Nose Pliers or Flat Nose Plier, Round Nose Plier and Wire Cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools. Price is including materials.
Duration: 2.5 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.285.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.240.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.190.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.160.000,-/person (min 4pax) |
posted by Mia @ 4:06 PM   |
Working with Bead Wire |
In this course you will learn the basic knowledge to create your own piece of jewellery. At first you will be introduced to the materials, from bead wire, type of beads you are working with, clasp and also the tools. Then you will learn the basic techniques to create an everlasting piece of jewellery. There are 3 projects on this module, a single full bead strand necklace, working with elastic and illusion necklace.
Illusion Necklace is a very nice piece where the beads floating around the chest with an unseen strands. It can be single or multiple strands. In this workshop you will be introduced to the kind of materials that used, and then you will create a 2 strands Illusion necklace. You will learn to fix a bead into strand and also to set a multiple strands clasp. This project covers the knowledge of working with bead wire and crimping techniques. After this class you will be able to make your own piece of jewellery. Tools needed for this project is Chain Nose Pliers, Round Nose Pliers and Wire Cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools. Price is including materials. Duration: 2 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.175.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.150.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.125.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.105.000,-/person (min
 Elastic bracelet is a fun and easy way to make a bracelet. You do not need a clasp and it is flexible so it can fit many wrists. In this course you will learn to fix an elastic bracelet. You will not need any tools besides your two hands and your creativity.
Price is including materials. Duration: 1 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp.100.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.70.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.70.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.50.000,-/person (min 4pax)
This project covers bead stringing, crimping and attaching clasp into the strand using wire guardian and inserting the pendant. After this class you will be able to make your own piece of jewellery. Tools needed for this project: Chain Nose Pliers, Flat Nose Pliers and wire Cutter. Please contact the provider to purchase tools. Price is including materials.
Duration: 2 Hours Workshop Fee including supplies : Rp. 175.000,- (1-3 pax) M2C Price: Rp.150.000,- (1-3 pax) Group Class: Rp.125.000,-/person (min 4 pax) M2C Group Class: Rp.105.000,-/person (min 4pax |
posted by Mia @ 3:43 PM   |
Basic Jewellery making Program |
Stringing on Bead Wire 1. Basic stringing 1: Pearl Necklace with Tensha Pendant 2 hours 2. Basic Stringing 2: Elastic Bracelet 1 hour 3. Basic Stringing 3: Illusion Necklace 2 hours Jewelleries mean so much for women since ages. From necklaces, bracelets, earrings, finger rings and brooches are everywhere. They can be worn in your t-shirt, gown, on your hat or even on your bags. But finding the right piece of jewelleries it is not as easy as everyone thought. Good jewellery is the one that expresses the wearer. You might find the piece that you like but you might not like the colour, or probably the length. More, it must suit your budget also. That is why being able to create your own pieces will be a benefit. This Program will teach you the basic knowledge to be able to create your own pieces of Jewelries. You will learn to work with bead wire, metal wire and also chain. You will also learn about the beads using in these projects, from natural stones to glass crystals as well as handmade glass beads. You can take a single class according to your need, or sign up for the whole program to save up to 20% on all.
Happy Beading!!!
******************* Stringing on Bead Wire 1.Basic stringing 1: Pearl Necklace with Tensha Pendant 2 hours 2.Basic Stringing 2: Elastic Bracelet 1 hour 3.Basic Stringing 3: Illusion Necklace 2 hours Basic Wire Working 1.Basic Wire Working 1: Simple Loop Beaded Chain 2 hour 2.Basic Wire Working 2: Charm Necklace 1.5 hours 3.Basic Wire Working 3: Chain and Beaded Chain 1.5 hours 4.Basic Wire Working 4: Wrap Loop Beaded Chain 2.5 hours
Creative Jewellery Making 1.Autumn Necklace 2 hours 2.Beaded Macramé Bracelet 2.5 hours 3.Basic Beaded Wire Crochet 2.5 hours 4.Twinkling, light and airy necklace 3 hours 5.Crystal Bouquet Pin 3 hours 6.Easy wire Ring 3 hours
Pictues of projects will be posted after this post.
Classes will be held in Jakarta, between Dec 13rd to Jan 5th. Please leave me a message or email to set up the time and other inquiries. |
posted by Mia @ 3:34 PM   |